Character 1
-Knights of the Round
-W summon
-hp/mp pluses
-Demi 3 + quadra magic
Character 2
-final attack + phoenix
Character 3
-final attack + Knights of the Round
-all the materia they can hold
Also equip their Ultimate Weapons and make sure they all have their Level 4 Limits. Now you are ready to battle. First of all, get the first person to cast KOTR on Emmy, then get everyone else to mime it. If Emmy uses a strong attack and kills everyone they will be revived by Phoenix and hit back hard from KOTR. Always keep lots of Turbo Ethers and Megalixers in your inventory. Emmy can zap lots of your mp.
Ruby Weapon
-Mystile armor
-final attack + revive (level 2)
-W summon
Equip the Ultimate Weapon for that character on them and their Level 4 Limit. Start off the battle with a limit. Mimic KOTR till you used up your mp. Use a Megalixer and do it again. Keep lots of X-potion's, Turbo Ethers and Megalixers in stock, you will need them.